Entrepreneurial Lifestyle for Ayurveda Professionals
Even with a Professional Degree and Masters in their name, most of the Ayurveda Professionals fail to live a Financially independent and Professionally Significant life. They are being looked down by themselves as well as by the society for their inefficiency of practicing Ayurveda.

- Performed more than 5000 surgeries
- Published more than 33 scientific articles in National and International journals
- Treated over 10,000 patients treated with Ayurvedic medicine and procedures
- Authored 4 best selling medical books.
Sushruta Award: Best Doctor Award Winner


7 must have mindsets to be a successful Ayurvedic professional
All the successful people you know and note down the qualities or characteristic features they possess which guarantee their success. That common feature is - mindset.

Lesser known career opportunities as an Ayurvedic professional
What next???? A common rhetorical question every student is asked at least once in their lifetime. Yet when it comes to Ayurvedic students, they are overwhelmed and confused while answering it.
Ayurpreneur Business Model
- Mindset Reprogramming
- Niche Clarity
- Strong Practical Ayurveda Concepts
- Ayurveda Clinic/ Hospital Establishment Guidelines
- Traffic Building Tips to attract more patients
- Entrepreneurial Mindset and Life style Development
- Clarity about Professional path and Goals
- Clinical efficiency
- Budget proof and profitable clinic setup
- Scaling up of existing clinic revenue
- Super speciality set up tips
- Online Consultation Guidelines
- More exciting features about creating multiple income sources will be anounced soon
- Micro niching of medical practice
- Leveraging Digital Space for your Medical Profession
- Increased Patients Inflow and Income
- Entrepreneurial Lifestyle
- Freedom Lifestyle

Dr Vivekanand Kullolli
Dr. Vivekanand Mohan Kullolli, M.S(Ayurved) & LLB, is a consulting Ayurvedic Surgeon and Academician for 20 years. His clinical practices are more focused on the Medical Management of Surgical Diseases
Ayurpreneur Academy is started with my mission to help 100,000 Ayurveda Professionals to achieve Financial Abundance and entrepreneurial Life style using Ayurpreneur Business Model System and Build a community to collaborate to help each other.
Being an Ayurveda professional both into Academics and a Clinical Ayurveda Surgeon, I understand the pain of all my junior colleagues. Even after having a professional degree, most of us fail to establish ourself as a well-paid, respected and dignified medical professional as of our contemporary medical professionals.
Ayurpreneur Academy is for all those graduates and post-graduates, that are struggling to find their professional direction and the goal towards financial abundance.