About Us

Dr. Vivekanand Mohan Kullolli, M.S(Ayurved) & LLB, is a consulting Ayurvedic Surgeon and Academician for 20 years. His clinical practices are more focused on the Medical Management of Surgical Diseases. In the Last 20 years, he has served in the different positions of academic line as Medical Superintendent to Principal, of different Ayurvedic Institutions. He is also an expert in the non-materialistic healing by means of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Numerology. He has Published more than 33 Research Papers, 4 best selling books, 01 clinical trial and guided 14 Post Graduate Thesis, He has more than 5000 surgeries and more than 10000 medicinally managed patients in his credit..
My Mission

Ayurpreneur Academy is started with my mission to help 100,000 Ayurveda Professionals to achieve Financial Abundance and entrepreneurial Life style using Ayurpreneur Business Model System and Build a community to collaborate to help each other.
Why Ayurpreneur Academy ?

Ayurpreneur Academy is for all those graduates and post-graduates, that are struggling to find their professional direction and the goal towards financial abundance.
Being an Ayurveda professional both into Academics and a Clinical Practice, I can feel the pain of all my junior colleagues. Even after having a professional degree, most of us fail to establish ourself as a well-paid, respected and dignified medical professional as of our contemporary medical professionals.
The reason being our own mindset that prevails in us right from the admission into B.A.M.S course. Unfortunately, majority of us opt for Ayurveda, not by choice rather by chance. Our merit ranking, economical condition, and expectation of our middle-class parents, pushes us to get into the B.A.M.S. The half-hearted acceptance for Ayurveda and lack of practical teaching in most of the Ayurveda colleges puts us into a confused status and crossroads throughout our life. The Universe blesses with all the abundance of knowledge, finance, fame, love, health, and prosperity to those who believe in what they do? And unfortunately, we lack that universal blessing due to our lack of faith in Ayurveda that can be used to Monetize.
This was also my story till five years back. But now exploring, understanding, and executing Ayurveda in much better way and befriending with many of my Ayurveda colleagues who are making their social impact as well as leading a financially independent life with more freedom to enjoy their life, I made a promise to myself to help all my Ayurveda professionals, who are struggling to find their professional goals and abundance.
Being an Ayurvedic professor teaching Ayurveda for the last 20 plus years, I could observe the top 3 biggest pain points of Ayurveda graduates like 1. Lack of self-confidence, 2. Incompetency and 3. Financial scarcity.
So, with all my personal experience and the observed and researched patterns of my other successful colleagues in different areas like, administration, academics, clinical practice, pharmacy business and other related fields of income generation, I could develop a most practical and comprehensive course to help all the Ayurveda graduates and post-graduates as well as the students to achieve financial abundance by name “Ayurpreneur Business Model”. This will be a journey towards the knowledge, finance and Fame abundance.
Three levels of journey, starting from Ayurpreneur Business Model (LEVEL 1), Ayurpreneur Business Mastery (LEVEL 2) and Ayurpreneur Business Empire (LEVEL 3) will guide you through the learning, execution and achievement of your intended goal.
Expert Endorsement